Tuesday, March 5, 2013



Sad as usual.
And it stays.
Until when?..
I dont know..

Its too sad.
And it stays.

May Allah gives me strength,
To keep the tears away,
And let me walk through this,
with a smile.

I just want to keep smiling.

Ya Allah,
Sedih2 kami hilangkanlah,
Riak-riak kami ikhlaskanlah,
Senyum2 kami kekalkanlah,
Tegar2 kami kukuhkanlah.

Aku berlindung kepadamu dari sedih dan dukacita..

Dan tentunya,
Kesedihan ini kerana diriku
Masih belum sepenuhnya Hamba..

..Sadness that will send me to Jannah..